Why TheCubanFood Blog?

Why Cuba?

I came to Cuba to learn Salsa on a dance holiday.  I fell in love.  Not with a man but with Cuba. I came back regularly on holidays but realised that the only way to really understand the country was to speak the lingo.  So I moved to Havana to learn Spanish. Through the process of learning Cubanol (Cuban Español) I realised that I wanted to live in Cuba.

Why Food?

I’ve always been a foodie. As a child I played restaurant with my sister. I grew vegetables with my grandad. I wanted to be a restaurant critic when I grew up. Life took twists and turns but the joy of exploring food, sharing it with people was a constant. I did open a restaurant with my sister and spent some of the most exciting and rewarding years of my life serving up food to people, many of whom became friends until the draw of Cuba became too strong.

Why Blog?

So many people ask me about my experiences in Cuba that I thought I would capture them in a blog.  And so much of my daily life in Cuba revolves around food that it seemed appropriate that it be the main theme of this blog.  In so many ways food in Cuba is a reflection of what the people and country are going through and have gone though.  I’m just an observer.

This blog is based on entirely my own opinions. It is not about politics – there are plenty of other opinions on the web for that.  I hope that it becomes a space where people can journey with me as I explore Cuba through the medium of food.

About TheCubanFoodBlog

Cuba reflected through food.
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14 Responses to Why TheCubanFood Blog?

  1. Sounds like you have lots of stories to relate about Cuba – looking forward to hearing them!

    Best of luck with your blog



    • Thanks Hester, I need all the luck in the world – what with being new to the whole blogging world and dial up internet in Cuba – it’s going to be a challenging blog to publish regularly.


  2. Hi there – I listened to the pod-cast with yourself and Roger Overall and can’t wait to read you posts and see images of the food you are cooking! It’s a great way to share what you are doing.


  3. mikanqueen says:

    ¡Hola! I heard about your blog via Kerry R. Best of luck with your life in Cuba and with the blog. I am about to embark on a similar adventure in Morocco, having fallen in love with the country 10 years ago and now I have found a way to spend more time there. Cuba is also close to my heart, so I will follow your life in the Carribean from mine in N Africa!


    • Como andas? Amazing how the world is connected hey? Having read your blog this am, I’m already looking forward to hearing about your future Moroccan adventures. Isn’t amazing the feeling you get when you arrive into a country and get that ‘love at first sight’ feeling. I got it on December 25th, 2007 at Jose Marti Airport. I’ll never forget. It was like coming home at last. Stay in touch. Tanja


  4. Sanj says:

    I don’t drink coffee much but when I do I only like it with condensed milk. When I tell my English friends they recoil in horror. I think it is the only way to drink it. Nice blog.


  5. Jose says:

    Hola chica!… Thanks for that small part of Cuba in Internet… Congratulation!


  6. Adding this new blog to my favourites. Looking forward to learning more from my foodie friend – maker of the best spicy soup ever! xxx


    • Thanks Ciarda. My spicy tofu noodle soup is my answer to any and all ills. But it’s good at any time. So I think I’ll have to make it again soon. Haven’t been able to source tofu in Cuba yet – but working on it!!! Have the chillis sorted though.


  7. Aw, great stuff Tanja. I will go through it more thoroughly and perhaps have some additions for you when I’m next home. Internet, as you know is also a challenge in Havana, so I don’t have the time, but good job!!!! Amanda xxx


  8. Siobhan M says:

    Best of luck with your new Blog Tanja. I will be following with interest, your observations on all aspects of Cuba are always interesting and informative.


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